Saturday, February 7, 2009

what theeeee... dinner for one

a minute ago, i didn't have anything to blog about.

that was a minute ago.

until i realized that most of my single friends have instantly found themselves a lovelife or should i say "valentine" life. just in time for february. whatttttt.

so here i am, with my new mantra but living the same life.

there must be really something wrong with what i'm doing.

actually it won't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's wrong.

foremost, im still glued to getting the wrong guys. its sort of an androgenous thing (sexist remark) - the love for the chase. its a different high when you get someone who's technically not to be taken. so i do play games. the cruel kind.

second, its not as if im doing anything new. im still staying in most of the time. no new hobbies. no chances of meeting new people. although for the first time ever, im becoming more vocal that i am open to the idea (after all my great friends are settled with even greater guys). wohoo!

third, my work isn't the most conjusive job for hunting for decent men. i seriously am looking for someone who has a totally different career, i want worldly conversations, i want to hear names (of people i don't know), experiences (i have no chances of experiencing myself), that sort of stuff. MDs are a spectrum apart from my work. should i consider changing won't the reason be a wee bit pathetic?!?!? or should i spend more time in the thanks! i haven't gone back for my follow up check for more than six months now.

so these are only few of the things i have to work on. in fairness to me, im learning to plan ahead. again.

i used to be a long term planner. things made a 180 when i was in college, when i found myself taking a course totally different from my life plans. i wanted to be a doctor for crying out!

so i adopted. i learned to live on a day to day basis. in its truest sense. and so today, i can't even commit to events a week from the day itself. day to day basis. which was further enabled by the phrase "text text na lang tayo". i hate phones.hehehehe

long term next blog...or not

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