Friday, February 6, 2009

missing the feeling

* i started this earlier but couldn't bring myself to finish it.. i may tweak this in the future*

i wanna fall in love again.

this could have said it all.

i want to fall in love again.

i want to meet him for the first time.

i want to feel that chemistry on our first encounter.

i want to feel giddy the first time he tries to woo me with his romantic gestures.

i want everything in between our first encounter and finding myself in love again (finally).

i want to wake up with a sweet message on my phone waiting to be opened.

i want to share with him how my day was and ask about his, finding amusement in every detail of his story.

i want to end the day saying goodnight to him.

i want to spend my idle days with him.

i want to give him those secret looks and then both burst into mad laughter.

i want to share good conversations with him and feel as secure when all we share is silence and each other's company.
i want to bring him my to die for brownies or whichever i can manage to make during my free time and either way he'd marvel at my cooking prowess even if the food really sucked.

i want him to pop in anytime of the day just to say hi.

i want to cozy up next to him.

i want to give him a big warm bear hug just because.

i want to find his fingers intertwined with mine.

i want to miss him everytime he's too busy to see me.

i want to say sorry everytime i get impossibly bitchy on him.

i want the text messages, the phonecalls.

i want the conversations.

i want the fights. the drama.

i want the fuzzy feeling.

i want the intoxicating feeling.

i want it all.

i just....

i just want to fall in love again.

*i know the entries are getting either sappier than ever hahaha.. that's the beauty of anonymity... and zillions of blogs that people don't even know i or this blog exists...

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