Saturday, February 28, 2009

mid twenties

a few days from now i'll be officially transitioning from early twenties to mid twenties.

in one word: BOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

recap: i've spent the last weeks or was it months knee deep with work particularly our baby project exhibit. This is aside from my regular work. i've literally been doubling the effort to hold myself (including my body) together. come friday, my legs were giving up on me. and i had incurred the consequences of using felt paper- clogged pores

so as my bday approaches and as i relish my last few days as a twenty three year old, let me list my materialistic/ superficial birthday wishes:
1. Mr. kidding! any guy (or guys) who would fit my previous post onmy made to order guy would do
2. original copies of my fave movies (which maybe complicated since i don't have a ready list for this.. i did get hold of pride and prejudice and sabrina a few weeks ago..and am expecting breakfast a tiffany's on tuesday..haha)
3. a copy of my requested video greeting from my idol (yes... masa!)
4. aggy's cake or cupcakes... or blugre cake... sofitel buffet cookies (freshly baked!)
5. polaroid camera inc. the film thingies
6. substantial savings for a new car (to be bought pref. next year)
7. substantial money for vain stuff (about 50k)
8. sideline work that will require little time and effort but will bring in loads of cash
(to be edited)

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