Thursday, February 5, 2009

one to go please!

if i could have him made to order... here are a few specs... fine not really a few.. a lot.. a list of well- thought specifications...

*once you've come to really know yourself (after 20ish years), you then proceed to knowing what you want... or WHO you want

on a superficial level:
1. "like" or "attraction" at first sight..that's a must! first encounter is matter of make or break

2. goodlooking (i don't want to be a hypocrite... i have to be able to imagine myself happily waking up to such a face)

3. fair skinned, a shade lighter or darker than my own complexion (chinese complexion is preferred over caucasian)

4. significantly taller than i am cause i look taller than i really am ( i love the feel of my back on a strong chest, when standing in front of him- does this make sense?!?)

5. eyes that smile (i'm a sucker for this)

6. witty (i wanna be able to converse with him about the pettiest to the most intellectual matters... fluent in english please... i cringe hearing basic grammatical errors)

7. childish and with a mad sense of humor (i'm generally a childish slash serious type of person, kinda ironic... so i'd love someone who'd make me laugh and join me in my childish antics)

8. from a very decent family (an established family is a major plus)

9. in connection with no.8 even if he's from a sorta well-off family, i'd prefer someone with
ambition, actual life plan and is on the right track (towards his ambition)

10. NOT a smoker... occassional drinker is tolerable

11. guys who are a bore are a NO- NO... YES- YES to someone who'll have fresh ideas as to what to do (i have a very short attention span....must keep me interested... don't expect me to equate dates with malling and movies... one day i wanna eat somewhere fancy, one day i wanna go to some street indian restau, one day i wanna rockclimb, one day i wanna watch a play...very diverse...major mood swings)

12. someone with basic know-how on etiquette ( i abhor loud obnoxious men!!!!)

13. Must love animals! Must love family! Must love friends!

14. Doctors, Dentists, Businessmen (not some small scale business) have an edge

15. hot bod!! (yes..women can act like pigs as well..haha kidding) but i really do mean hot bod! not the bouncer type... lean and cut!

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