Saturday, January 24, 2009

next please

the excitement has fizzled...

i text him just because... because i really feel that he's gonna be a swell buddy...

its funny having guy friends who've seen you at your worst (drool and all)... there's really no need to pretend... besides the expectations are set very low early on .hahahaha

but there's thing about guy friends in relationships...

if you meet them while they were single, most likely you'd be the least of their priorities (even if you're like the best of friends) when they get attached.

if you meet them when they're attached, i don't think you'll even get to create a legit friendship...bwahaha...

realizations. realizations.

before i forget... cliche...

"aanhin pa ang damo kung wala ng kabayo"

"what's the use of masterpiece if there's no one (yung ok naman ha..wag sino sino lang) to admire it"


so basically aside from being emotionally inept... feelingera din ako! love it!

p.s. im stopping myself from editing my past posts...there are quite a number of typos!

p.p.s tomorrow i'm gonna think about my life list with a new mantra inspired by the post of my bff.

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