Friday, January 16, 2009

encore..curtains fall

good morning sunshine!

confession: a number of texts were exchanged after my most recent post last night.

more than ever it was reinforced that hes a really really good person. and loyal. (that kinda says it all).

semi-quoting "baka you see a brother in me kaya ganun! im happy din na after ** years, nagkita tayo ulit! Natouch naman ako dun!haha..."

"hehe. wala lang yun. di naman ganun iniisip ko. don't worry"

after more than a week (it felt like a year), i was genuinely thankful how things turned out. ( i literally blurted this out "thank you God. thank you.")

im not one to play games.

i cant even pull off the mysterious effect because if theres one thing about me that i love the most its that i am honest.

id rather lay down all the cards as early as now than go beating around the bush.

honesty is liberating. especially for an impatient person.

*i can't believe its only been a week (started: january 9)! i do "nurse" and "nurture" my feelings all too well.

after a week, i gained an awesome friend..a sibling... i had to ask him... given his sibling theory, hm...kuya? lil bro? sib? twin?... his last reply was...

semi-quoting: Ok goodnight twin sis!

confession numero dos: this is familiar ground... except that unlike most (past) guys who were itching to be in this stage with me were very vocal about what they felt... so as familiar as this is... its unchartered waters for me.

curtains fall

lets see if i can control myself from texting him til the 27th

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