Saturday, January 10, 2009

neophyte blogger on the loose

yey me!

i've finally managed to create my own blog...a very plain and basic blog ..expect no less than plain and basic for my future posts...

i have no idea how to manipulate this thing. in fact, until this morning i was resorting to my old school version of blogging- journal (harhar). it was more of a food journal with side retorts actually. yes, i am obsessed with my weight ( i weigh myself twice a day)and my food intake (women!)

blog-one of the main reasons why i purchased a laptop...with the hope of chronicling my thoughts... finding some sort of forum to vent out my pent up emotions... you see i'm not much of talker...i don't share about my uber exciting life (i'm being sarcastic)... i may die without anyone ever really knowing me...morbidity aside, my uneventful life is compensated by my overzeolous brain... i have these personal conversations with myself (creepy i know)...

anyway, here's a quick intro slash disclaimer of what the future holds for this blog site

why finally blog?
i NEED this to "control" my overwhelming emotions. otherwise, i may succumb to texting things that i will surely regret.

what not to expect?
exciting tidbits about my day...i'm generally a boring person

what to expect?
thought after thought after thought...there's more happenings in my head than there is in my life..harhar

Finally, as aptly entitled, i am an emotionally inept individual... i may be an unbiased and theoretically emotionally wise third person however, on matters of personal significance, i am a complete moron

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