Friday, July 24, 2009

taking out the clutter

i'm suppose to be drafting a country-shaking/ life-changing speech for my principal, but as the case is i'm uninspired (yet again). rather i am unmoved. unispired or unmoved...i'm undecided. uninspired has been overused in this blog so might as well go with unmoved.

although... if my memory serves me right, when i was experiencing the topic (of the aforesaid speech), i swear, i was fighting the tears. for the reasons that i felt for them because their vulnerability was relatable on so many levels even if i've never had an identical life experience (which i'm thankful for). if i'm being honest, it was also partly because my hypochondriac tendencies were kicking in at the very mention of cancer.(forgive me if i constantly speak with so much vagueness). let's just say that i've been asked by people if i even cry, so the picture of me keeping myself together meant that the situation was really emotional even for the icyest of hearts.

nonetheless, it has been a week. a week of tedious activities that sucked the life, brawn and brainpower in me. i'm still trying to recover my wisdom as it in line, my creativity.perhaps writing jibberish will get me back on track and spark some inspiration, taking out the clutter will sort of bring me back to the feeling.

tomorrow ill put my thinking skills to proper use. not that i have a choice since i have a deadline. but as for now or even for tonight, let's dwell on the fact that i'm twenty four and very much single as i was twenty four years ago. or should i say less than that since i'm sure when i was an egg, there was a sperm that aimed for me... thus my conception haha..british humor. i don't even get myself (british humor...that's a laugh, but admittedly their accent is truly divine. hearing paul talk was an affirmation that i remain enamored by the british accent..teeheehee)

so yes, i'm twenty four and we are past the middle of the year. not much has changed. no new character since mr. dentist. or no character worth mentioning. let's keep our fingers crossed. i have yet to top my posts inspired by mr. dentist- which received warm reception from a few others.

as my mom's fave host says "toodles" hahaha. i so hate that gal's hosting skills..bwahahaha

so for now. toodles. (til i get my groove back)

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