Saturday, July 4, 2009

Relatable. [late post]

It just dawned on me, about a minute ago
That the guy i was demeaning was no different than i was months ago.
Admittedly,I was also a pathetic love sick puppy
Bombarding a guy with a series of texts
Although there was no profession of love. Thank God.
The thing is this isn't a revelation at all.
I've always been a black or white type of person when it comes to sappy matters.
One day, i'm all cold and rigid to those i have no interest on
Next thing you know, I'm uber attentive and accommodating, to those whom i fancy.
It doesn't take me years or even months or weeks to be enamored by a guy
to fall dangerously in love with a guy.
Days are enough to cultivate the feeling.
Everything happens in a jiff
like i was racing to get to the front door first.
like a fish grasping for air
i grasp for him like my life depended in it.
sick sick sick..
i really do lack safe control.
i surrender when i chose to.
this is the drawback of being too much in control.
cause when you finally let go, you simply fall into the pathetic arms of irrationality.

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