Friday, January 16, 2009

easy come easy go

as easy as it started... it must now come to an end

i'll be ending it.afterall, im the only one who knows it even began.

happiness is a conscious choice as grumpyness is.

so tomorrow, i resolve to be happy.

ive nursed the feeling too much and too long and all too well...
because it made me write... write as if i meant every word...

needless to say ive gained more than enough from this.

its time to close this chapter and move on to the next

besides, i really cant bear to do this... im much better than this...

so tomorrow, i resolve to stop whatever this is

what started as an innocent good bye text kinda became more than what i intended it to be...
far too honest for my taste...
kinda selfish too because i turned the tables on him...
the ball is now in his court.
thats if he even cares that the ball is in his court.

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