Saturday, October 3, 2009

More on Mr. Fuzzy

Mr. fuzzy feeling is the one that got away.

The one guy I’ll never have.

Its excruciating waiting for the day when I’ll finally hear from a common friend that he is getting married.

Then he’ll truly be the guy I’ll never have.

Like a hard lesson to learn, I never got my head around the idea why things ended.

If I had one token for a rewind, I’d go back to that day..

I can vividly remember that day.

I’m sure he’s tucked that memory along with the other flings he had,

Mr. Fuzzy feeling will always always always have that power over me,

Even if there’ll be another guy who’ll have that fuzzy feeling effect on me.

He'll still be a part of my life(the sad reality I’ve long accepted)

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