Sunday, February 20, 2011

dear bf- letter 1

given that half the time, i am overdrive thinking and having personal conversations with myself, i finally decided to put these to good use- thus a letter series is born.

dear bf,

i recently found a suspicious bump on the other side of my palm. surprisingly i never noticed this. how weird is it that i noticed the exact same bump on my lolo's right hand (where i found mine) the night before. how convenient that i saw it while i was driving. yes, i was driving along macapagal when i saw this new bump. i frantically got my phone and texted all my doctor friends. i had to appease my hypochondriac self otherwise i'd go mental and i was heading to a dinner that night.

in the middle of all my panic i even managed to remember my letter series. this would definitely be my first topic (rather than falling asleep while stuck in traffic). i said to myself, i may have missed this but i was for certain that if there was somebody i held hands with or who occasionally stroked my hand this would not have been missed. so yeah, dear bf, even before you come into my life, i'm holding this against you. i say this with much amour though.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

crappy hearts day or not

thank you for making me happy

without even knowing

and without even trying.